Sunday, July 15, 2012

Review: Blood Orange

I originally just clicked on a video by Blood Orange("Bad Girls") on Youtube the other day because my favorite drink du jour is Tropicana Trop 50 Red Orange juice. To my surprise, I loved it. It looks like they're signed to Domino Records and have one album, but nobody told me. So this is me telling you. The songs would mostly fit in a John Hughes movie or a Bret Easton Ellis book (P.S. Does anyone else follow B.E.E. on Twitter? Lately he seems to have devolved into ordering the same movies I do on pay-per-view cable and campaigning to write the movie adaptation of 'Fifty Shades of Grey.' Sad or awesome? You decide.) There are a lot of clear, twinkly 80's sounds but the man's caterwauling voice is different enough to make it really very interesting. The video above can only be described as, and has a great moody plot though probably NSFW. As one man in Texas would say, please to enjoy!

Review: My life as it stands now at 6:19 PM

No excuse for a wasted life

     I think I'm going to write every post on this blog in the form of a review. That's what the kids like, right? But no letters or numbers, just words.  The way a review should be. I've read a lot of books and seen a lot of movies that I haven't told anyone about in the last couple of years and my plan is to share them with you all, otherwise known as forcing you to like everything I like.
     Sorry I haven't updated. I've felt quite poorly. See, I have this thing where my vitamin D goes down to nothing if I don't take it in pill form. It made some of my teeth go rotten a few years back because you can't absorb calcium without vitamin D and I had a bazillion root canals and crowns and two implants(ooh la la!). And yet when I start to get a normal amount of vitamin D in my body, everything starts to go wrong in a different way. No doctor has been able to figure it out, so I've now got an appointment with a specialist at Ohio State. It can't come too soon for me. Last week my kidneys started hurting and I went to the doctor but it wasn't a stone, so I'm taking an antibiotic in case it's an infection. Really, I think whatever is going on with my endocrine system played some part in 11/11/11 Day of Doom/Rebirth of the Cool. I will find out soon I hope.
     I'm really over being an invalid at this juncture. And truthfully, the last few years I have retreated from life in almost every way, in part because everyone died but also because I was waiting. I've been waiting since I was 18 and went down to Children's Hospital and had my Graves' disease adventure. I feel like I've been waiting for some conclusion, for someone to say well, this is what is wrong, and this is what we are going to do, and then it will be over, and only then can you have permission to live the life that you always wanted to live before you allowed yourself to break at all the stereotypical fault lines and be swept into a corner.
     Well, no one puts Stacey G-Funk in a corner, except Stacey G-Funk. Not Dutch Cat Aids, not everyone dying all at once, not my leg that hurts perpetually like it's gone to sleep, not nuffin' and not nobody except me. I did it. I tried to glue together what was left and bury it to try and be safe from harm, but since I had my dance with death I have been gradually accumulating courage. I have only been half-heartedly mimicking the person I once was for some years now. Being safe from harm(despite the fact that it's my favorite Massive Attack song) is not the point of life, and we all know it. It's something that's hard to remember when we lull ourselves into our cozy little comas, but sometimes life does us a favor and gives us 40 million blood clots to remind us that we will never be safe. And if we will never be safe, then why do we lull ourselves into comas? Why not try to throw every thing we have against the wall, and hopefully it won't break but if it does, it will break on our own terms for once.
     I have plans, academic plans, on the horizon. I am going to clear up this endocrine-related health enigma (a lost Agatha Christie title) and then as I feel better I'm going to get this party started.

I just want to be one true thing that don't fade