Sunday, July 15, 2012

Review: Blood Orange

I originally just clicked on a video by Blood Orange("Bad Girls") on Youtube the other day because my favorite drink du jour is Tropicana Trop 50 Red Orange juice. To my surprise, I loved it. It looks like they're signed to Domino Records and have one album, but nobody told me. So this is me telling you. The songs would mostly fit in a John Hughes movie or a Bret Easton Ellis book (P.S. Does anyone else follow B.E.E. on Twitter? Lately he seems to have devolved into ordering the same movies I do on pay-per-view cable and campaigning to write the movie adaptation of 'Fifty Shades of Grey.' Sad or awesome? You decide.) There are a lot of clear, twinkly 80's sounds but the man's caterwauling voice is different enough to make it really very interesting. The video above can only be described as, and has a great moody plot though probably NSFW. As one man in Texas would say, please to enjoy!

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